Collections & Research

NIA Biographical Collection

The NIA private collection of immigrant stories began in 1999 as a prelude to the upcoming exhibit, Norwegians In New York 1825-2000.  Nordisk Tidende and the NIA announced a year long contest calling for immigrant stories.  Nostalgic readers sent more than 100 submissions, which were printed in the weekly editions of Nordisk Tidende.

You can read these engrossing tales here.  The NIA continues to receive written stories from immigrants to the area and their family, even if they have moved long ago and far away.  Please consider sending your family’s narrative.

Oral Histories

The NIA oral collection began when a not-for–profit- organization StoryCorps, gave Americans a chance to record interviews about their lives, to leave a legacy for the future.  They have recorded over a million stories. StoryCorps offered to help the NIA create an invaluable archive for future generations. First they came to the Norwegian Christian Home and Health Center and recorded and videotaped a series of interviews from a number of our members in Brooklyn.  They gave us instructions on how to continue collecting these powerful stories. If you will volunteer to interview a person with a story for this collection contact us! We’ll provide structure.

Immigrant Stories

In 1999, the NIA and the Norway Times, announced a contest which had as it’s prize–a round trip to Norway. Immigrants and/or their relatives were invited to submit the stories of their lives in the “colony” in New York.

One Hundred submissions were received, some with photos. Additional stories come to us regularly. In this space, you will find new stories from our archive – and hopefully, stories submitted by you, our readers and contributors. Enjoy these stories--and consider sending us your/your family's own story.

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